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Similar Tools
Remark: This is an arbitrary list of tools, partly from research area
(for which it will be difficult to find source at all).
Free/Research Profiling Tools
- Perf Events for Linux (since 2.6.31,
"perf" sources in Linux kernel source tree)
- OProfile (System wide sampling for Linux)
- Perfmon2 (access to PMU on Linux/Itanium, needs patch for other
architectures, superceeded by Perf Events for Linux)
- HPCToolkit.
- PAPI: API for reading PMU counters
- MemSpy (Martonosi/Gupta/Anderson)
- CProf (Lebeck/Wood)
- VProf
- MTools (Goldberg/Hennessy)
- MHSim (Fowler/Mellor-Crummey/Whalley)
- SIP (Berg/Hagersten)
- DCPI (HP Profiling Infrastructure for Alpha Processors)
Commercial Profilers
- Intel VTune
- IBM Rational Quantify
- Zoom from RotateRight
- WinCacheGrind
is a Windows software able to read Callgrind-formatted profile data,
mainly targeted at reading files produced by
xdebug 2,
a PHP debugger.
- Static instrumentors:
- PIN (similar to Valgrind, for x86/Itanium/ARM, from Intel)
What people say about...
[Mostly excerpts from some mailing lists. Please send me an
EMail for your own external reference or if you want your citation removed.]
- "... kcachegrind is a marvelous tool by the way, try it if you can.
Too bad it requires KDE3, or we'd be using it at work everyday ..."
- "... finally took some time to install kcachegrind. What a wonderful tool. I finally understood how to use all those lists and numbers to actually make stuff faster. Kcachegrind visualizes the information very good, especially the source code view totally rocks."
- "... I am also doing some profiling analysis on the test programs using
valgrind/cachegrind/kcachegrind combination. This combination gives a
really good profiling tool."
- "... Use cachegrind with the excellent visualisation tool kcachegrind."